

when you look at the way our news outlets (and etc) are treating the topic of Here's What's Going On Over There, knowing full well that the narrative they're trying to paint is basically the opposite of what's actually happening (largely thanks to the modern availability of information), it's hard not to wonder why they are so invested. they are so desperate to portray it this way because if you know about what They Are Doing over There, the things they are trying to accomplish and the kind of state and society they wish to create by wiping out a people, then you will start asking questions about our own history as a nation. about what has Already been done Here to get us to where we currently are, that so much effort has already gone to suppress. if enough people are asking questions like "does a nation responsible for and capable of such atrocities deserve to exist?", it begins to threaten the fabric that holds society-as-it-is afloat, the fabric of "People Who Are Content To Accept Things As They Are", so to speak. if that fell out from underneath, neighborhoods of cards would tumble.

i don't know. maybe i'm just repeating things that have already been said a thousand times over. maybe i'm a coward for not naming anything specific. i'm just terrified and horrified and feeling very powerless.